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Re: The Months of Neroneus, Germanicus, and Claudius

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Adam Walker <carrajena@...> wrote:
> --- habarakhe4 <Anthony.Miles@...> wrote:
> > I was reading Tacitus, and I noted that under Nero,
> > the months of April, May, and June were 
> > called Neroneus [ne:'ro:neus] or less likely
> > [ne:ro:'ne:us], Germanicus [germa:'ni:kus], and 
> > Claudius [klaudius]. I wonder if the Fortunatians
> > had kept this and what they would look like 
> > in 2006. Then I wondered about the languages of the
> > rest of you.
> > 
> > Neroneus > Nèron [n_dEron]
> > Germanicus > Zarmanig [zarmanig]
> > Claudius >  Crauzh [kroZ]
> > 
> > Should I keep these months in the FIU?
> > What about y'all's versions?
> Well in Carrajina the reflexes would be:
> Neroneus > Neruñu
> Germanicus > Djermanigu
> Claudius > Cuadju 
> While it is possible that the second two survive as
> personal names none would survive as months.  Nero
> killed Sampus Perru ed Palu.  Claudius was a nut job
> and Germanicus just wasn't that memorable.  The
> Donatist population of C-a had little love for the
> emperors, the Catholics little more, except for their
> beloved Constantine.

I assume the 'Germanicus' in question in Tacitus is the Emperor Caligula, although false 
etiology would lead to an identification with Caligula's father. As for the FIU: 'Neroneus' 
would be preserved only by some sort of contrarian (who could well be a Fortunatian). 
'Germanicus' under a false etiology could survive. 'Claudius' has a high chance of survival 
in the Fortunate Islands, given some of its early history (the local view of Claudius is 
different), but the advent of Christianity would discourage its use unless sentiment won 
out over religious scruples.

> Adam
> Pochini ninadud ul Jezu in ul Betuemi djal Juda in ils djis djul Errodu ul regu ? iñi! 
aviniruns junis maguis djil ojindi ad al Jerosolima, dichindu: «¿Jundi esti ul regu djuls 
Ivreus fin ninadud? Pervia avemus spepadu al su steja in il ojindi ed avemus avinidu 
adorari ad sivi.» 
> Mach 2:1-2