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Re: [romconlang] The Months of Neroneus, Germanicus, and Claudius

Henrik Theiling skrev:

I wrote:

Neroneus   > Nï¿œrunir     ['nje:rYnIr]
Claudius   > Kleyï¿œir     ['klei):DIr]
Germanikus > Gjarmankur  ['carmaNkYr]

Manually applying sound changes is difficult...
I think it's more like:

  Germanikus > Gjarmakkur ['carmahkYr]

Auᅵvitaᅵ nk > kk ᅵ Vesturnorrᅵni mᅵli!


NERᅵNᅵUS > Nᅵrnᅵv or Nᅵrnᅵvᅵ
GERMᅵNICUS > Zsramanjek  or Zsramanjekᅵ

/BP 8^)>
Benct Philip Jonsson -- melroch at melroch dot se

   "Maybe" is a strange word.  When mum or dad says it
   it means "yes", but when my big brothers say it it
   means "no"!

                           (Philip Jonsson jr, age 7)