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I finally filled in an unforgivable hole in C-an vocabulary. I have titles for the nobility! English Male His Wife Female Regnant emperor/ess imperadoru imperadesa imperadora king/queen regu redjesa rega prince/ess princhipu princhipa princhipesa grandduke/chessgrandiducu grandiducesa grandiduca archduke/chess archiducu archiducesa archiduca duke/duchess ducu ducesa ducesa (ditto) melechi melechesa melecha count/ess cundi cundesa cunda marquis/ess marcizu marcizesa marciza baron/ess baruni barunesa baruna also sultan/a sutanu sutanesa sutana emir amirru amirresa amirra elector eletori eletoresa eletori mayor suvedu suvedesa suveda That's what I have for now. Most of them are straightforward enough, since they are borrowings from either French of Italian or one influenced by the other imported by the Nomans. Melechi, etc. is the title for the secular head of the Muslim community and equivalent to a duke. Mayor is the odd one since it is derived from the Punic term "sufetes" or judges of which two headed the civil government of the city of Carthage *here*. Adam Jin xividjilud djal su�u ed falud ul Jozevu pomu instanchid ul andjelu djul Dominu sivi, ed idavi achibid jun al su sposa. Ed nun aved cu�uxud ad sivi ancha nadud jan ad ul sua huiju primodjindu ed cuamad il su numi ul Jezu. Machu 1:24-25