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Re: [romconlang] A question to get the list talking again

On 06/01/2006 16:32, Padraic Brown wrote:
--- "Pavel A. da Mek" <a.da_mek0@hidden.email> wrote:
> Constructed religion is
> almost more fun than constructed cultures! ;)

It would be nice to have Conreligion mail-list.

There �s one: at Yahoo groups, look for
"madeupreligions". It is unfortunately very
quiet, but it �s there.

Cool. The speakers of my romconlang family are supposed to have a funky constructed religion. I tried to make something a bit like as if classical Roman religion had gone through something like the process that "streamlined" archaic Iranian religion into Zoroastrianism. The aim was really to get something that had a bit of the feel and structure of medieval Christianity but that was distinctly non-Christian.

I'll have to scope the madeupreligions group :)


Carl Edlund Anderson