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New Romance Language Forum! (With Correct Link)

Ugh!  I forgot to change the link!  


I sent this message out before, but it has come to my attention that 
the link I gave didn't work. So, let's try this again, shall we? :-)


I've just started a brand new forum called "Romanalinguaphilia:
Romance Languages," hosted by SuddenLaunch. It's meant to be a haven
of sorts for Romance language enthusiasts or for anyone who is
interested in Latin or any one of its daughter languages. The message
boards are empty now, since it was only just created at 5:00 PM
Eastern today, but I'm hoping to build up at least a moderately sized

So, I'd like to invite you to at least check out if not join
Romanalinguaphilia at http://linguamania.suddenlaunch3.com
Although most of the site is focused on natlangs, there is a board
reserved for Romance conlangs and the discussion thereof.

Hope to talk to you there!

Gregory H. Bontrager