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On Apr 20, 2005, at 9:41 PM, Adam Walker wrote:
--- Isaac Penzev <isaacp@hidden.email> wrote:Btw, the Passover nowadays is celebrated on Nisan 15, not 14, having being linked to the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Interesting. Is that true of all communities, or just the Ashkenazim?
All communities (except *possibly* for the Ethiopians, but they're very different from everyone else in general). Since the _Passover_ itself was tied to the Passover sacrifice, and the sacrifice ritual went out of practice not long after the Temple was destroyed by Rome, |Pesahh| as an 'independent festival' also sort of disappeared. However, since the sacrifice, even though it was sacrificed on the 14th, was *eaten on the night of the 15th*, the concept of Passover absorbed (like The Blob) the 7-day Festival of Matza that followed it. Which is why the entire 7-day (8 days in the Diaspora) holiday is today called Passover, even though Biblically that should only be the day before, and maybe the first night. This is also, btw, why the prohibition on eating/owning leaven begins during the day on the 14th instead of at sunset when the 15th begins; the |Pesahh| could only be brought in a |hhameitz|-free environment.
-Stephen (Steg) "i had a little matza i made it out of wheat and when it's dry and crunchy oh matza i will eat oh matza matza matza i made it out of wheat..." ~ passover variation on 'i had a little dreidl'