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Re: [romconlang] Carraxan Easter -- day 5

--- Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> wrote:
> This is the only day of the year when Eucharist
> is
> taken in the home and included as part of a
> meal. 
> Otherwise it is a rite performed in the
> churches by
> the clergy and administered to the faithful. 
> Each
> family tends to have a certain Gospel which is
> tradition within that family to read/recite
> from on this night. 

But doesn't a (qualified and spiritually whole)
priest still have to consecrate the bread in
advance? Or is the father allowed to do this once
a year?

> I hear tell that families become so attached to
> the
> wording of a particular Gospel account that it
> can
> become an issue in marriage negotiations. . . 

Fascinating, indeed! In Teleran and other
Eastlands, I don't think there is any such
attachment to one wording over another. There are
certainly several different possibilities, but
I'm not yet sure if they've adopted a cyclical
alteration of variants or whatever. It has long
been tradition that each church or diocese is
free to choose which variant gets read at

Mind you, a "diocese" can be pretty big, so it's
really up to individual pastors.


cucnasat-te-he is-ca stesteytar; salamar-ta is-ca testestentar; wact�s-ta is-ca nenemti; alistat-co-ta is-ca telelamtar; watar-ta-he is-ca xexewehti; xawi�talawattan-ta is-ca warkati...

From the meal he stood up; the clothes he set aside; the towel he took up and with that girded himself; water he poured out; the disciples� foot washing he accomplished.

[Divine Liturgy of St. Thomas, Teleran]


Ill Bethisad --

Come visit The World! --
