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Carraxan Easter celebrations begin today!

Hey folks.  Today is the beginning of the Carraxan
Easter (Pasca) celebrations.  Since I wont have access
to a computer tomorrow I'm sending two day's worth of
details today.  More posts will follow through the

April 16th is al Xabada djal Mezerindu (Anointing
Saturday), when Mary of Bethany's act of devotion is
remembered.  It is a day for making oaths of service
to God and making good on oaths outstanding.  The last
couple of weeks will have been quite busy with making
good on promises large and small long neglected.  

April 17th is Dominiga djals Timoras (Palm Sunday). On
this day great procesions wander through the streets
to the steps of the churches and cathedrals which are
then strewn with palm fronds (timoras) and garments
for the poor.  The priest is expected to come out from
the church and bless the good citizens who have given
their garments, the garments given, and the poor who
will recieve them.  

There is a popular folk tale about a dishonest
merchant who disguises himself as a beggar and
collects the garments offered to the poor to sell in
his shop.  All manner of misfortune befalls him until
he repents and makes good by replacing the stolen
garments with silks and giving a great banquet for the
poor.  At least that's what happens in some versions
of the tale.  In others he is attacked by ravens and
his eyes are pecked out.

I'll have to write up a version or two of the tale


Edjuebu fuid Jozevu, ul sua caru, junu justu, ed pervia nu volud repudjiri sivi in pubuigu idavi erad pinzandu linchavised sivi in segredu.  Edjuebu pomu erad pinzandu in fistu, avinid junu andjelu djul Dominu in junu su�u, ed dichid jun, �Nu timi, Jozevu, huiju djul Davidu. Achibi al Maja peu'l sposa tua pu�a esti djul Spiritu Sampu ul fin esti indjinindrandu in jan. Nada jid jan junu huiju ed cuamaji su ul Jezu: pervia falajid sauvachu ad ul su pobuu djals pecadelas sustrus.�

Machu 1:19-21