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Re: [romconlang] Re: Carrajena dictionary "complete"

--- Gary <fiziwig@hidden.email> wrote:
> One observation and one question.
> Observation: At the top of each letter page are
> links to other letter 
> pages and a link to "HOME". The link to "HOME" is
> broken.

OOPS!  I'll have to get that fixed tomorrow.

> Question: Is there a grammar page you can provide a
> link to in the 
> dictionary pages?

The grammar pages are in something like a total mess. 
They exist, such as they are, but aren't linked.  I'm
hoping to set to work on them, in earnest, in the next
week or so.


Edjuebu fuid Jozevu, ul sua caru, junu justu, ed pervia nu volud repudjiri sivi in pubuigu idavi erad pinzandu linchavised sivi in segredu.  Edjuebu pomu erad pinzandu in fistu, avinid junu andjelu djul Dominu in junu su�u, ed dichid jun, �Nu timi, Jozevu, huiju djul Davidu. Achibi al Maja peu'l sposa tua pu�a esti djul Spiritu Sampu ul fin esti indjinindrandu in jan. Nada jid jan junu huiju ed cuamaji su ul Jezu: pervia falajid sauvachu ad ul su pobuu djals pecadelas sustrus.�

Machu 1:19-21