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--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Bennett" <paul-bennett@n...> wrote:Well, why not? Everyone else seems to be doing it. So... Is there a romlang construction kit online anywhere?I don't remember hearing of any.FWIW, here's what I think the alphabet/phoneme set will be like:The following got mangled in the archives:â /A/ cüi /kwi/ ê /E/ güi /gwi/ ô /O/ süi /swi/ züi /zwi/
*Please* don't tell me Yahoo! can't handle UTF-8. That would suck monumentally. They were all Latin-1 characters, anyway (which IMO makes a good deal of sense for a romlang).
a^ cu"i e^ gu"i o^ su"i zu"i
Also, the underscores show up only in the reply window for some reason. The mysteries of Yahoo ....
That's bizarre. I blame the Romans. I mean, what have the Romans ever done for us, eh?
So far so good.
Any sample words?
Any sample Latin vocab for me to play with?
Also, do you have any particular type of romlang in mind?
I'm thinking a small dot of an island in the western Mediterranian. Paul