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Well, why not? Everyone else seems to be doing it. So... Is there a romlang construction kit online anywhere? FWIW, here's what I think the alphabet/phoneme set will be like: a â /A/ b ci /tSi/ / _ C,# ci /tS/ / _ V c' /tS/ / _ # cui /ki/ cu /ku/ _ C,# cu /kw/ _ V (other than i) cüi /kwi/ c /k/ d e ê /E/ gi /dZi/ / _ C,# gi /dZ/ / _ V g' /dZ/ / _ # gui /gi/ gu /gu/ _ C,# gu /gw/ _ V (other than i) güi /gwi/ g /g/h zero -- inserted into what would otherwise be diphthongs, makes them disyllabic
i l gl /l_j/ m n gn /n_j/ o ô /O/ p r /4/ rr /r/ si /Si/ / _ C,# si /S/ / _ V s' /S/ / _ # sui /si/ su /su/ _ C,# su /sw/ _ V (other than i) süi /swi/ s /s/ t u w y /j/ zi /Zi/ / _ C,# zi /Z/ / _ V z' /Z/ / _ # zui /zi/ zu /zu/ _ C,# zu /zw/ _ V (other than i) züi /zwi/ z /z/ |'| is an apostrophe, not an acute. Paul