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Re: [romconlang] Boundaries of Romance

----- Original Message -----
From: Deiniol Jones <deiniol@hidden.email>

> habarakhe4 wrote:
> > 
> > How far does a language have to change until it is no longer a 
> > Romance language? 
> Romance languages, *by definition* are those languages derived from
> Latin. If it's derived from Latin, it's a Romance language, no matter
> how weird it gets. So, no there's no way for a Romance language to 
> stopbeing a Romance language.

I think the question should rather be "at which point does a language stop being *recognisably* of Latin descent?" That point almost certainly exists (I suspect maybe the 100 sound-change point might be a good hint that you've almost hit it), but you do have to consider the possible values of the word "recognisable".
