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Adeste Fidelis in Brujeric (Again)

This is a reposting to clarify a few scrambled diacritical 


I'm going to hop on the Adeste Fidelis bandwagon.

Please keep in mind that Brujeric is meant to be a language used by
warlocks and witches, some benevolent and some not. If translating
such a song as "O Come All Ye Faithful" into a language of
witchcraft offends you, please stop reading right now. I mean no
offense to anyone's religion. I believe in many Christian values

I've translated many songs, but this is the first time the target
language was fictional. Without further ado, I present "Venez, oh,

Venez, oh, fidelos,
Vec la triunfança.
Venez, oh venez por vir
Al Reg^o natir.

Pui, a Betleme!
Por vir al Bendito.

Venez por adorarlo.
Venez por adorarlo.
Venez por adorarlo!
El bono Siñor.

Pronunciation is almost identical to that of Spanish, with three
exceptions: 1) /z/ is pronounced just as it is at the beginning of
the English word "zebra," 2) /ç/ is pronounced like a /k/ before 
an /e/ or /i/ and an /s/ before any other letter; and 3) /g^/ is
pronounced as in English "go" before an /e/ or /i/ and a soft
English /j/ before any other letter.

Literal English Re-Translation:

Come, oh faithful ones,
With triumph.
Come, oh come to see
The King be born.

So, to Bethlehem!
To see the Blessed One.

Come to adore him.
Come to adore him.
Come to adore him!
The good Lord.

What do you think?

Bocupas graças,

Greg Bontrager