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Steg Belsky wrote:
I was thinking that it might be possible to tie in Judajca to some European Romancelangs based on the original homeland of the Imperial colonists sent to settle Judea. But tying it down too much might hamper my free will when it comes to aesthetic choices. So maybe the colonists will just be a random mix of people from all over the empire.
We have the Roman historians' testimony that the colonists sent to Dacia were a random mix of people from all over the empire, so that's likely for Judea too. As for Baazramani it has an entirely different substrate and is spoken miles and miles away from Judea viz. in Persia. Naming of the major subgroupings: clearly Western, Central and Eastern make more sense. I'll change that. <b>Proposed classification of Romance languages in Ill Bethisad</b> I. Western Romance A. Britanno-Romance Brithenig Kerno Breathanach B. Gallo-Romance Narbonese Franco-Provencal Francien Laurentien C. Northern Italian D. Ibero-Romance Catalan? Castellano Ladino Aragonese Portuguese Montreiano E. Jovian II. Lessinu III. Sardinian IV. South-Central Romance A. Central and southern Italian B. Jelbazech C. Dalmatian D. Rumanian V. North-Central Romance A. Wenedyk B. Slezan C. Slevan VI. Levantine A. Judajca B. Gallilean VII. Baazramani [BPJ September 13-15, 2004] -- /BP 8^) -- B.Philip Jonsson -- melroch at melroch dot se Solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant! (Tacitus)