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Re: [romconlang] Corrected classification of Romance languages in Ill Bethisad

 --- Benct Philip Jonsson skrzypszy:

> I've been mulling over the classification of Romance languages
> in Ill Bethisad.  I have two alternative classifications.
> The first is based on the most common one *here*: [...]
> The second alternative classification is more tentative:

I think I prefer the second one. However:

> I. Western Romance
>      B. Gallo-Romance
>            Narbonese
>            Franco-Provencal
>            Francien

Not sure, but perhaps Laurentien (the kind of Francien spoken in NF)
should be counted as a separate language?

>      C. Lessinu

See below.

>      E. Ibero-Romance
> 	 Catalan?
>            Castellano
>            Ladino
>            Aragonese
>            Portuguese

Don't forget Montreiano!

> II. Central Romance
>      A. North-Eastern Romance
>            Wenedyk
>            Slezan
>            Slevan
>      B. Rhaeto-Romance
>      C. Central and southern Italian

Perhaps "II. North Romance" would be more logical. Especially since
it would leave open the possibility of Southern Romance sometime in
the future...

> III. Eastern Romance
>      C. Dalmatian
>      D. Rumanian
>      E. Judajca

I like Padraic's and Steg's idea of having it this way:
       E. Levantine

> I'm not sure if this classification would imply that
> Rhaeto-Romance be different from *here*, OTOH it does
> take account of the differences between Wenedyk-Slezan-
> Slevan on the one hand and Rumanian-Dalmatian on the other.

Yes, I agree with Wenedyk-Slezan-Slevan not being classified as
"Eastern Romance".

 --- Dan Jones skrzypszy:

> Two factors to consider: *there* "Rhaeto-Romance" as it is *here*
> does not exist- it's wholly replaced by Jelbazech. 

No RR? Aaaaargh!!! Does it really have to be that way? I like RR so
much! Couldn't it be that under the Helvetian violence all Rumantsch
speakers emigrated to Liechtenstein?

Anyway, perhaps Rumantsch has been replaced by Jelbazech, but I
suppose Ladin and Friulian must be still there...

> Also, J. is definately Eastern Romance in character, being 
> essentially derived from the dialects spoken in Raetia, Germania 
> Superior, Alpes Poeninae and (to a certain extent) Noricum.

In that case, it might be an idea to classify both Jelbazech and
Lessinu (the two seem to have a lot in common, notably the German
soundchange) into a common subcategory of II. Central (or North)


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