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New Lang: Consonants

| Attention: Jan
| This is my new email address!

The rest of the phonology and orthography (except for whatever I've 
missed). More comments welcome.


The phonemes here are also preliminary.

/p/  [p]
/b/  [b]
/t/  [t_d], [t] --- alveolar only after apical fricative
/d/  [d_d], [d] --- alveolar only after apical fricative
/k/  [k]
/g/  [g]
/f/  [f]
/v/  [v]
/T/  [s_m]
/D/  [z_m]
/s/  [s_a], [S`]        --- retroflex only before retroflex affricate
/z/  [z_a], [Z`]        --- retroflex only before retroflex affricate
/S/  [S]
/Z/  [Z]
/C/  [C]
/L/  [j\]
/m/  [m]
/n/  [n_d], [n] --- alveolar only after apical fricative
/J/  [J]
/N/  [N]
/l/  [l_d], [l] --- alveolar only after apical fricative
/r/  [r], [4]   --- flap only in cluster

Note: [t], [d], [n], [l] without diacritic are specifically alveolar.


/rr/ [r:]


/tT/  [t_ds_m)]
/dD/  [d_dz_m)]
/ts/  [ts_a)]
/dz/  [dz_a)]
/tr/  [t`S`)]   --- recently derived from /tr/
/dr/  [d`Z`)]   --- recently derived from /dr/

I analyze the following labiovelars as consonant + glide here, despite
the phonetics.

/kw/  [k_w] OR [kw]
/gw/  [g_w] OR [gw]
/Nw/  [N_w] OR [Nw]

The other clusters that can occur in syllable onsets are:

/pl/, /bl/, /fl/, /kl/, /gl/, /pr/, /br/, /fr/, /kr/, /gr/

I think the /s/ in the S-clusters (e.g. /spl/) belongs to the 


Note: The front vowels are defined as being those written as |i|, |e|,
and |ae| (or |æ|). In all other cases, |a| is not counted as a

/p/  |p|
/b/  |b|
/t/  |t|
/d/  |d|
/ts/ |c|  before front vowel, otherwise |ce|
/dz/ |g|  before front vowel, otherwise |ge|
/k/  |qu| before front vowel, otherwise |c|
/g/  |gu| before front vowel, otherwise |g|
/kw/ |cu|
/gw/ |gü| before front vowel, otherwise |gu|
/f/  |f|
/v/  |v|
/T/  |z|  initial* or next to voiceless consonant; otherwise |zz|
/D/  |z|
/s/  |s|  initial* or next to voiceless consonant; otherwise |ss|
/z/  |s|
/tT/ |tz|
/dD/ |dz|
/S/  |x|
/Z/  |j|
/C/  |lh|
/L/  |ll|
/m/  |mm| after some long vowels, otherwise |m|
/n/  |ne| when final, otherwise |n| (only before a vowel)
/J/  |nh|
/N/  |nn| after long vowel, otherwise |n| (only before /w/)
/Nw/ |nu|
/l/  |l|
/r/  |r|
/rr/ |rr|
/tr/ |tr|
/dr/ |dr|
* except that initial |z| and |s| before vowels are lenis and might be
better classified as "voiced".

One of the shakier bits involves |lh|, which derives from VL lj, and
|ll|, which derives from VL ll when next to a fully front vowel.

I suppose at this point I should congratulate anybody who's read this
far, and the post on vowels.
