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Muke Tever wrote:
On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 21:26:43 +0200, Benct Philip Jonsson <melroch@hidden.email> wrote:Anton Sherwood wrote:Benct Philip Jonsson wrote:Yes, I understood everything but _dejó_...`left (behind)', third person singular perfect.Does anyone know the etymology?_dejar_ is supposed to derive from _*delaxare_ (laxare giving in English _release_ and _relax_).
And another thing I wanted to do in my Qurese "altenative Latin" beside retaining some archaic features was _anticipate_ VL and Romance features, so I was going to have something like "delaksare" as a standard verb :)
(Though for my particular purposes, I'm more interested in sorting out nouns and adjectives first).
Cheers Carl -- Carl Edlund Anderson http://www.carlaz.com/