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Re: [romconlang] Romlang generator-thingie?

Rodlox R wrote:
> I heard - not sure if it was here or on conlang - about something
> where the user types in the sound changes, and the program itself
> converts the Latin language into the resultant conlang.
> is this true? (and where is it?, if I may ask?).  or was I
> simply hearing things (again) ?

I know or knew of two tools that do roughly that:
read a word and a list of changes, output the new word.

Here is one:
(comes with a flawed Latin>Spanish change list)

John Cowan wrote a Latin>Brithenig script in Perl: http://locke.ccil.org/~cowan/sessiwn/msg00809.html

Anton Sherwood, http://www.ogre.nu/