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Re: [romconlang] Rumanian etymologies

On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 09:26:12 -0400, Mark J. Reed <markjreed@hidden.email> wrote:
On Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 03:05:40PM +0200, Melroch 'Aestan wrote:

Oddly, I was just about to post some questions about Rumanian. I was
stuck in the mall yesterday and happened across a Rumanian grammar in
the bookstore . . . nice and concise, pretty much perfect for my
purposes, but it doesn't have anything about pronunciation. If someone
could point me at a guide to the orthography, I'd appreciate it.

Also, that etymology page isn't up to P yet . . . what is the origin of
patru = 4? It looks like it could come from the Latin with |qu|->|p|,
but elsewhere it looks like |qu|->|c|.

Given the page's listing of AQUA > apă, maybe it is restricted to before /a/ if it is not general? Greek did something similar.

http://frath.net/  (my website)

http://wiki.frath.net/ (conlangs and concultures)