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Re: Adverbs in Slevan

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Benct Philip Jonsson <melroch@m...>
> I have decided that derived adverbs in Slevan have the same
> form as the masculine ablative singular, being derived from
> the expression _modo X_ "in an X manner".
> Does this strike anyone as extremely odd?

No.  In fact, Old Jovian had a word |mou| which could be
followed by either an adjective in the oblique case or
a noun in the genitive case.  In Modern Jovian, where 
nouns and adjectives no longer inflect (though articles
do), it probably just acts as a preposition, probably 
taking the oblique case, though the article is optional
after a preposition.  That allows you to apply all the
tricks available for noun phrases, like modifier 
pro-drop, to an adverbial phrase:

|Soerde a suo| [sard @ zu@] "a dirty pig"
|Esse soerde mou suo.| [es sard mu zu@] "(He) eats like
     a dirty pig."

-- Christian Thalmann