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--- Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> wrote: > One interesting Latin dictionary I happened > upon, with > money in pocket, is _A Glossary of Later Latin > to 600 > AD_ compiled by Alexander Souter and published > by Oxford. Ah! We must have transected the same L-space momentarily... That's the dictionary I had in mind. Another goody I happened across years ago - and a form of Latin that most conlangers are probably unaware of - is Muldoon's "Pharmaceutical Latin". Unhappily, there are no etymologies; but happily, there are squillions of chmical, animal and botanical names all in proper Latin. Comes in handy for odering a mentha iulepia, for example. > This little jewel identifies etymologies for > words not of Latin origin. It has even > provided me with a few Punic plant names. Excellent. I am sure Muldoon would as well, but it would be hard to extrapolate without etymologies. > Adam Padraic. ===== Here good fellow I drinke to thee, pardona moy ie vous an pree; to all good fellowes where euer they be, with neuer a penny of mony. -- Ill Bethisad -- <http://www.geocities.com/elemtilas/ill_bethisad> Come visit The World! -- <http://www.geocities.com/hawessos/> .