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Re: Romanescan phonology and alphabet

Anton Sherwood eskr� (int jolhalaton ew Padraic Brown) �

> . . . There's
> nothing worse than wading through pages of
> phonologic descriptions like "sounds sorta like A
> in laugh".  . . .
Seeing the actual text spelled with "ee ay ah oh oo",
to make it "easy" for anglophones, comes close.

Agreed. Although I did just that (or an imitated pronunciation, anyway) for
my Jameld microphrasebook, that was for the benefit of my
non-linguistically-minded local friends; I did a separate IPA version as
well. Both are on the website, so casual and/or scholarly readers may choose
at will. If I'd *only* done an IPA version, no one here (geographically)
would have read it. As it is, bits of it sank in and I even got a couple of
SMS messages in Jameld... but I digress.

Certainly h�re (on-list), IPA (or the Conlang variant of X-SAMPA or
whatever) is much preferable.


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�lvard J. te Kraamlep     Vorquichtat, Binertglobakl�i Jameld Zolidaton
kraamlep@hidden.email                 BJZ Wabplaz: http://www.zolid.com/zm
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