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Daniel Prohaska wrote:
> [...] I heard she has a computer programme to come up with
> words in 'Rihannsu'. Apparently all you need to do is punch in a
> phonological profile and the programme will spit out words and words of
> the alien language.
> Such a programme would be wonderful for developing a conlang that is not
> based on an existing language. [...]

Some links:

Foreign Language Word Generator       http://www.fantasist.net/wordgen.shtml
LangMaker.com - Invent Your Own Language           http://www.langmaker.com/
WordSynth                     http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~kenstcyr/wordsynth.html

Geoff's Sound Change Applier       http://www.cix.co.uk/~morven/lang/sc.html
IPA Zounds sound change engine                http://zounds.artefact.org.nz/

Anton, www.ogre.nu