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Re: [romconlang] OT: English usage question

Jan van Steenbergen scripsit:

> This has been annoying me since I joined the conlang community (which causes me
> to write so much in English): is there any "trick" or "rule" that can help me
> choosing between the suffix "-ic" and the suffix "-ical"? For example:
>   historic vs. historical
>   economic vs. economical
>   mathematic vs. mathematical
>   botanic vs. botanical

Well, there is no general semantic distinction being exploited here,
just a lot of particulars.

"Historical" refers to what happens in history: the fall of Napoleon is
historical, the fall of Atlantis is unhistorical.

"Historic" means "important to history": the fall of Napoleon is historic,
the fall of Roberto Napoleon is not.  (Who's he?  That's the point:
a guy in my neighborhood who embezzled a lot of money and was eventually
caught and sent to jail.)  "Historic" has no negative.

"Economic" is the adjective that pertains to economics.

"Economical" means "at a low price for the value provided; cheap."

"Mathematic" isn't a standard English word.

I can find no significant difference between "botanic" and "botanical".

John Cowan  jcowan@hidden.email  www.reutershealth.com  www.ccil.org/~cowan
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