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Re: [romconlang] OT: English usage question

A very good question.  I can't think of any trick at
the moment, but I'll keep pondering.  All the forms
you're asking about are adjectives and the real
differences between the -ic and-ical forms are
semantic not gramatical. (Of course some words only
exist in one form or the other.) So I'm not so sure
there is a trick other than knowing which word has the
desired meaning.


--- Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@hidden.email>
> Hello!
> This has been annoying me since I joined the conlang
> community (which causes me
> to write so much in English): is there any "trick"
> or "rule" that can help me
> choosing between the suffix "-ic" and the suffix
> "-ical"? For example:
>   historic vs. historical
>   economic vs. economical
>   mathematic vs. mathematical
>   botanic vs. botanical
>     etc.
> Could anybody enlighten me?
> (I know that this is not the most appropriate place
> to ask, but on Conlang a
> question like this would probably generate 50+
> off-topic responses, which I'm
> sure nobody is waiting for).
> Jan
> =====
> "If you think you are too small to make a
> difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a
> mosquito."
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