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Re: [romconlang] Psycholinguistics ;-)

 --- Mettrail skrzypszy: 

> Does anybody of you know this problem?


> When I first started constructing my language, it was kind of a 
> retreat to me. [...]

I think you should first find an answer to the following two questions:
- Why do I conlang?
- Why do I feel bad about it?

If you conlang because your creativity prompts you to, I think there is
absolutely nothing wrong with it. On the contrary: it's better to spend every
free hour working on a creation of whatever kind that is completely yours than
watching TV all the time because you can't think of anything better to do - or,
for that matter - than hanging around drinker beer because you can't think of
anything better.

However, it is possible that your conlanging has become some sort of escapism:
you conlang because it is a place safe and secure; nothing threatens you, and
you are lord and master over your own creation. In that case it can become
something similar to the addiction to computer games. Which, of course, is a
bad thing.

Think carefully: which of the two is the case? And what do you *really* want?
Are you going out (whatever that may be) only because you feel obliged to? Is
that why you feel bad? Or do you actually w�nt to go out, in which case you
just might to have to do some time management? Of course, if you have a job,
you should go there and work. If you have wife/husband and kids, you must spend
time with them. Those are the facts of life. But the time that remains is YOURS
and only yours; do can do with it whatever you desire - and not feel bad about

Of course, going for a two-weeks vacation and not taking your conlang stuff
wouldn't do any harm, I'm sure.

> How about you? Have you ever felt like your language is causing you 
> lethargy or melancholy?

Not really. But I've had similar experiences with other activities. In general
I conlang because that's what I really want or need.

Good luck,

"If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito."

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