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--- Christopher Wright <faceloran@J...> wrote: > I'm adding a modicum of sanity this time. Well, not > exactly sanity, but at > least it isn't the end of the world. > 1. dull FTUXAU, FTUXA > A dull knife cuts no cheese. Ftuxau cufx cat naun do caxo. [ftuSo kufS kat non d8kaSo] > 2. muscle MYCXRAU, MYCXRAUX > The cheese sculptor creates a figure with bulging > muscles. Fsau cxyrftaur fy caxaux croat huijur cy tentaux mycxraux [fso kSi\rftor fi\kaSoS kr8at wid_Zur ki\tentoS mi\kSroS] > 3. floor FAMBEN n. > Its cheesy robes brush the floor. Xy caxauxa bonchonta tamat famben [Si\kaSoSa b8nt_S8nta tamat famben] > 4. cloth TOCSTYRIA > The robes almost seem to be made of real cloth--silk > and linen and velvet. Bonchonta fene afrat os huact e bera tocstyria ? bombyc ot rynteauxa't berbeta. [b8nt_S8nta fene afrat 8s wakt ebera t8ksti\rja] [b8mbi\k 8t ri\nteoSat berbeta] > 5. white ARBAU, ARBA a. > The cheese for the robes is a pure white mozarella, > whereas the skin is > made of a creamy cheddar. Fsau caxo fro fsa bonchonta'ch fura arba motsarerra, xod fer och huact e uraurauxa cheddar. [fso kaSo fr8fsa b8nt_S8ntat_S fura arba mot_sarerra] [S8d fer 8t_S wakt euroroSa t_Seddar] > 6. to swing BACRAT > The robe is so thin that it swings in a breeze. Fsa bonchonta'ch barde tonauxa pod fsa bacrat fy bontra. [fsa b8nt_S8ntat_S barde t8noSa p8d fsa bacrat fi\b8ntra] > 7. awkward RYCHICAU, RYCHICA > The expression of the cheddar hero is the awkward > embarrassment of someone > needing to visit the lavatory. Fsau burt do cheddarauxau erau'ch rychicax anjychiax d'arp pich nocos bixtat rachin. [fso burt d8t_SeddaroSo erot_S ri\t_SikaS and_Zi\t_SjaS darp pit_S n8k8s biStat rat_Sin] > 8. to entertain DIBYRX > The careful carving of the sculptor entertains the > sort of people who > memorize games of chess. Fsau curiauxau curbamn do cxyrftaur ymbitat tif d'omnex pin dibern ruda do xamat. [fso kurjoSo kurbamn d8kSi\rftor i\mbitat tif d8mneS pin dibern ruda d8Samat] > 9. dot PUNTRAU, PUNTRA > A dot appears on the hero's nose, spoiling his > beauty with a wart. Funtrau'ch fy naxaun d'erau, fsaurian xy fyrcrytun cy quicraun. [funtrot_S fi\naSon dero] [fsorjan Si\fi\rkri\tun ki\kikron] > 10. fly MYCX(AX) > The dot is a fly that decided to breathe its last by > defiling a piece of > art. Fsau funtrau'ch mYcx ped at erect fsirat yrtma fsir fsaurian chatu d'ach. [fsau funtrot_S mi\kS ped aterekt fsirat i\rtma fsir fsorjan t_Satu dat_S] habarakhe4 > > ~wright