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Appologies to any who reciev more than one copy of this update, but so many of you are on more than one list that I can't keep track of who's where. This message is to announce that The Carrajina Project has a new home -- one that works this time. The new address http://carrajina.conlang.org is up and running, but my files are not completely unpacked. At this point the pages relating to culture and history are mostly up and running. (If you notice any broken links let me know!) But the language stuff, especially the dictionary, may take several weeks to get up and running since I have a good bit of code editing to do for those pages and 4-500 new words to enter on both sides of the dictionary before I re-launch it. Well, now you know, and knowing is half the battle. Adam Nivechigadu ul omu fi nu nul cunsiju djuls ímfius avevad amvuinadu, fi ni nal via djuls pecadorus avevad pedizadu, fi ni nul sedigu djuls zagagadus avevad xedjidigadu. Saumu 1:1