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--- John Cowan <jcowan@hidden.email> wrote: > Costentin Cornomorus scripsit: > > > Could it be uploaded to the new groups File > page? > > In principle, but I'd rather save our limited > Y!G space for the new archive. Hm. Does the Files section take up archive space, then? > > There's a question: what do you call the new > > group? > > I've thought of "italiconlang" (but that > suggests Italian rather than the > Italic langs) and "latinateconlang". > "Conromlang" is also okay with me. Either are fine with me. "latinateconlang" might be better in that the group description could be worded using "Latinate" rather than "Romance" in order to foil the hunk-a-big-mamma-ROMANCE-spammers. Padraic. ===== - Per y celles ke 'n al noef chluys feronte y vruxt la mezer; a Ddon et Dde lor gouertus, renothe y nusteor pheticièn - A Ddon ten mezer! -- Ill Bethisad -- <http://www.geocities.com/elemtilas/ill_bethisad> Come visit The World! -- <http://www.geocities.com/hawessos/> .