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Re: [romanceconlang] Re: Dating friends from other races

--- Christian Thalmann <cinga@hidden.email> wrote:

> > > Bring together Singles from all the races
> in
> > > your city and around the world! 
> > > 
> > > How interesting!  How exciting!  How crazy!
> What's crazy about meeting people of other
> races anyway?

Oh I don't know: none have ever been known to
actually land on Earth? And it's been several
millenia since the last indigenous races other
than our own were still around.

> Actually, Homo Sapiens Sapiens is the
> *species*, not the
> race.  Race is a genetic subdivision within a
> species, e.g. "Caucasian".

I've never seen any data to support this (that
there are discrete, genetically marked "races"),
though I've seen the claim made many times. Just
what constitutes the "Caucasian" race, anyway?

Now, if by "race" Pantaloon means "skin
pigmentation variety" then I understand what it
means, but would disagree, prefering in stead
"ethnicity" or similar. That's much broader to my
way of thinking and more meaningful that the
colour of skin.

> > Now, in The World, it would be technically
> > possible on account of their being more than
> > one
> > race. Interracial unions are pretty rare,
> > though.
> The World?  Your statement indicates you're not
> referring to *here*.

Yeah, it's a *there*! There are several _actual_
sentient races (either what we'd call species or
marked subspecies); but they haven't mixed all
that well by in large.

The basic division is between Daine and Man: the
former is the dominant race in The World and is
most easily marked since they have wings; Men are
our well known H. Sapiens. Each of these have a
number of discrete subspecies; but I think some
of the Homo peoples may be different species.
There are also Elves, but I'm not sure exactly
what they are. Physically, they look like Men,
but have been around a lot longer (even longer
than Daine).

Of them all, the Daine are most apt to "date"
outside their race; but the kindreds of Men are
less likely. There have been some famous Elf and
Daine unions, though.


beuyont alch geont la ciay la cina
mangeiont alch geont y faues la lima;
     pe' ne m' molestyont
     que faciont
doazque y facyont in rima.
