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The ordinary present tense of the copulative verb /ox/ [@S] 'to be' in Classical Fortunatian is: xym [S1m] ox [@S] och [@t_S] xyx [S1S] ots [@t_s] (dissimilation from /och/ [@t_S] xyn [S1n] The relative copulatives patterns thus: Nominative pim [pim] pix [piS] pich [pit_S] pixyx [piS1S] pits [pit_s] pin [pin] Accusative pom [p@m] pox [p@S] poch [p@t_s] poxyx [p@S1S] pots [p@t_s] pon [p@n] Genitive cym [k1m] cyx [k1S] cych [k1t_S] cyxyx [k1S1S] cyts [k1t_s] cyn [k1n] The relative copulative is used after a determinative pronoun which affirms that a previous word is the subject of the relative clause. The relative copulative must agree in number and person with the referent. It appears in phrases such as: nauch fach, fsau pix fy fsauurat [naut. fat. fso piS f1 fsowrat] Our father, you (m.sg.) who _art_ in (the) heaven fsau huiri fsau pich at dat fsau fan [fso wiri fso pit_S at dat fso fan] The man, he who gave the bread.