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Re: AW: [romanceconlang] Vegliot/Dalmatian

--- Daniel Ryan Prohaska <daniel@hidden.email>
> Adam!!! 
> This is too good to be true. Ta very much.
> I hope I get to scratch your back sometime.

Oh, I'm sure we'll find some way to balance the
scales.  I'm always on the prowel for some odd bit.

Here's another installment.

galina - hen
ganer - to shout
gauder - to enjoy
gaula - throat
gelut -cold
glas - ice
golaus - greedy
grun - grain
guapto - eight
guarno - ash-tree

imprandro - to light, kindle, undertake
inflor(ara) - to begin to blossom, flower
ingyastro - ink
intrik - whole, intact, entire
inamiant - by heart
inviarno - winter

jal - he
jamo -now
jonko - eleven

kadar - to fall
kadrial - brick
kaina - supper
kaira - wax
kakuor - to deficate
kal - as
kalc^aina - lime, mortar (originally "lime pit")
cale - road; time
kamaisa - shirt
kampanaid - belfry
campuona - bell
kanaisa - ashes
kanapiel - cord
kand - when
kantuor - to sing
capei - hair
kapraina - she-goat
kapul - onion
karnoit - viper
karnual - mutton
karviale - brain
kataina - chain
katraida - chair
kauda - tail
kauk - here
kausa - thing
kenkur - to have supper
kilauna - collumn, pillar
kis - cheese
klamuar - to call
kluf - key
ko - what
koc^aina - kitchen
kodial - rectum
kol - that
komnut - brother-in-law
computa - to calculate, count, narrate
kon - vulva
konc^aro - to conquer
konmaik - with me
kont - how much
kontiant - satisfied
korprer - to cover
kor(eja) - he was running
korlir - cornel berry tree
korte - short
kortial - knife
koser - to sew
kosobrain - cousin
kosuol - pigsty
kraskro - to grow
kratoire - children
krauk - cross
kredro - to believe
krepur - to burst
kris - cherry
kroit - raw
kuaranta - forty
kuarne - meat
kuarno - horn 
kuasta - rib 
kuon - dog
kuor - dear
kup - head
kur - heart

More at a later date.  It's time for lunch, a phone
call to the movers, another to the travel agent and
some serious packing/sorting.  And late tonight,
perhaps another to those nut cases at Oklahoma State.
