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Re: [romanceconlang] Re: Why translate this? I have no idea.

--- Christian Thalmann <cinga@hidden.email> wrote:
> --- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, Adam Walker
> <carrajena@y...> wrote:
> > This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the
> cultural
> > setting of Carrajena, but I couldn't resist
> > translating it.  
> Why not?  Don't they dub their shows?  The Jervans
> sure do...  and "Baeblone Ciunge" is highly popular.
> =)

Well, they won't have TV for another 600 years for one
thing!  LOL, but I'm sure it will be a HIGHLY popular
show once C-a get to the late 20th century.

> > I doubt it will be comprehensible,
> > but I will wait a day before posting the original
> > version just so I can see if there is anyone who
> > recognizes the source. 
> It's pretty obvious, IMHO.  Especially certain key
> words...  ;-)

Only if one is familiar with the show (which I can see
you are!!!)


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