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Re: [romanceconlang] Re: How shall I thank thee?

On Sun, 25 May 2003 20:20:43 -0700 "Barry Garcia"
<barry_garcia@hidden.email> writes:
> romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com writes:
> even MORE translation work! :)
> Montreiano equivalents:
> GRATIAS - graça,graças
> GRATIAM HABEO - graçavéo
> GRATULAR - graular
> OBLIGATU - ovliyao
> MULTU - muço (this actually means much, many)
> MERCEDES - merçé - this actually found its way into vostré, vostrés 
> (you,
> and you all formal, from vostra merçé, vostras merçés your mercy)
> SHUKRAN - xucrán

> Of course this doesn't mean those are actual ways of saying "thank 
> you" in montreiano. The definites are graças, and xucrán.
Why is |xucrán| stressed on the /a/?  I'm pretty sure that "shukran" in
Arabic is stressed on the /u/.

-Stephen (Steg)
 "vos iz der ?teg?"

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