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Re: [romanceconlang] Re: My romance lang.

Padraic Brown wrote:
> Could be. We'll never know, cos the Wizard has
> decided to scrap Neo-Latin in favour of other
> projects. Personally, I kind of liked it.

One early conlang project of mine was a Latin-based IAL, but not one
that I'd intended to promote.  :-)  But rather, part of a con-future of
mine in which the world is conquered by some kind of dictator (I forget
the details), and he created a Latin-based language to impose upon his
subjects.  :-)

> Thawshevehersniggil leipovehersnisil vanayarsouro darronosse!
>     --Daine prayer.

What does this mean?

"There's no such thing as 'cool'.  Everyone's just a big dork or nerd,
you just have to find people who are dorky the same way you are." -
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