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--- Christian Thalmann <cinga@hidden.email> wrote: > > Apart from the dreadfull French accent, it's > > not bad. They _need_ a Welsh voice! ;) > > Is there a trick to it? In both Netscape and > IE, Audrey just stares around boredly while I > choose other langs, characters and text lines, > to no avail. Not quite that cool yet. Well, ye need speakers for one thing! ;) And a sound card of some sort. Apart from that, I can't really say. You might need to turn the volume up - Pierre is quite soft spoken! :) I had no troubles at all using IE5, which is unusual for a M$ product! Padraic. ===== Passe lê tempeor po rizer; passe lê tempeor pois Ddé. -- per tradicièn Niponor .