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Re: My romance lang.

--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, Padraic Brown <elemtilas@y...>

> Yeah. You've got a relic of the -e declension
> there. Question is: have any words been drawn
> into it by analogy, or is dziej singular in its
> declension?
> Kerno, too, has its share of inherited -e words -
> but it has far more that have migrated due to
> analogy.

Hehe.  Jovian does exactly that with Latin e-stems,
-êus/-êa/-êum words, and by stress shifts, -eus/-ea/
-eum in general.  Just a few days ago, I considered 
merging all current -iju/-ija/-ijun nouns to this
declination class as well.  That would produce some
unexpected results such as |fé| "son/daughter", 
|fawé| "family", |sangré| "sangría" and |coffedré|

The lack of distinction between "son" and "daughter"
should be sufficiently offset by the Modern Jovian
usage of articles, e.g. |a fé| [@'ve] "a daughter",
|u fé| [@'fe] "a son".

-- Christian Thalmann