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My post didn't get through, so I'm sending it again. Sorry if you end up getting it twice. --- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@y...> wrote: > --- Padraic Brown skrzypszy: > > > Today I found the following list that I got as an > > email forward a while back and translated some > > into Kerno. I thought they might make for good > > translating fodder. It would be fun to see what the humanistic Obrenaj would make of these statements... e.g. "Fear knocked. Faith answered: 'Nobody at home.' This teaches us how Faith leads people to disregard their fears, which represent no less that the very important warnings their bodies and instincts have for them, and rush headlong into disaster." Alas, we're on the Romlang list here, so I'll have to stick with the dutifully Christian Jervans... > > Fear knocked. Faith answered. No one was there. Timmur puosiva oestsun. Pfé pfondiva: Nullu adsíx. ['timm@r pu'zi:v 'aSts@n pfe pfAn'di:va null@z a'dziS] I'm not quite sure whether I'm getting that right. Does Faith say to Fear that nobody's at home, or does Faith find nobody standing before the door? > > What you are is Gods' gift to you; what you > > become is your gift to the Gods. Ci es ix Déi donun tic; ci crisces ix tuun donun Déi. [ki ez iS dej 'zo:n@n tiC ki 'kriSk@z iS tun 'do:nun dej] > > I am God's melody of life: he sings his song > > through me. Sou Déi meoldija uedi: Canda suun caerme per me. [sow dej vEl'di:j 'y:di 'kand@ suN 'gErm p@r me] That's a bit too kitschy even for the pious Jervans. Makes me wanna brush my teeth. ;-) > > A safe landing is promissed, not an easy journey. Fi prowittun xurun abenire, nó leive dinner. [fi brA'vitt@n 'Su:r@n ,abe'ni:r no lejv 'dinn@r] Notes: |Xuru| is a concatenation of securus, not a loan from English. ;-) |Dinner| is from iter, itineris. > > Do your best and sleep in peace; God is awake. Ae tuun oentun ed doerwe in pagi; Dé vila. [aj tun 'ant@n ed 'darv im 'ba:gi de 'vi:l@] > > God has a plan for me that none other can > > fulfill. Dé hae mic un planen cen nullu auder poesse xeoger. [de haj miC @m 'bla:n@N gen 'null@z 'awd@r pass 'Se@g@r] > > Start weaving and the Gods will give you the > > thread. Ingibe texer, ed Dé te i dare filun. [iN'gi:b 'teS@r ed de ti da:r 'fi:l@n] > > Our tasks are not as great as the Power behind > > us. Nottra pindsa nó son so graenda ud nueme suere noe. ['nAttr@ 'binds@ no zAn sA grEnd u ny@m su@r nAj] Note: I decided to render "behind" as "above" here. > > Serenity is not freedom from the storm; but it is > > peace amid the storm. Ooh! I love that one! Even the Obrenaj would! Sereindade ix nó fire pargidu tsurmi, sed ere in pagi in meidso tsurmis. [seren'da:d iS no fi:r par'gi:d@ 'tsurmi sed e:r im 'ba:gi im 'mejdzA 'dzurmi] > > Why do you always rush about looking for God? Is > > God lost? To which the Obrenaj would reply: "Lost" implies previous existence. ;-) But let's turn to the pious Jervans... Cure simber caeres Dén? Nuenge Dé fiva peirtu? [ku:r 'simb@r 'kajr@s den nyNg de 'fi:v@ 'bert@] > > From time to time the Gods say "no way"; it is > > because they have something better for us. Nis uegys, Dé neha tuun cueber; nan para mejore tic. [niz 'y@gy de 'ne:h@ tuN 'gy@ber nam 'pa:r@ me'jo:r tiC] -- Christian Thalmann