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I tend to develop my vocabulary for C-a in themes. The first theme I developed was spices. I have tons of spice names. Then there were friuts and veggies. Next was body parts. Family relationsips and occupations followed. Actually I'm still collecting occupation names in various romancelangs before I choose the C-a names. But the other day I happened upon a page about armwrestling that had translations of "armwrestling" in a couple dozen langs, many of them Romance, so I decided to do a note book of sports and games. Since my C-a timeline only extends to the 1300's at present I decided to go with ancient sports or things that have likely been practiced everywhere in one form or another for millenia first. Unfortunately, some of my dictionaries are much more complete than others. For instnace, my Spanish dictionary includes tug-o-war, chess board, card game, shot (as in shot put), bullfighting and running all of which are missing from both of my French dictionaries and most of which are missing from my Italian and Catalan dictionaries. Of course my Sicilian dictionary is a joke of a traveler's dictionary so it doesn't even have wrestling or boxing. Anyone know any good on-line resources for sports and games vocab in various Romlangs? Adam PS What is tic-tac-toe in ANY Romlang?