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Appologies to those who will recieve this twice, but I'm posting this to both Conlang and Romanceconlange in hopes of getting enough useful responses to make a discision. I've been going through all my old notes on sound changes for Carrajena and webifying them (web page soon to be ready for viewing), but when I came to the rules I had drawn up for dealing with M-clusters I found my rules to be less than sensible. Here is what I had:
M'N > mr > mbr
M'T > nt > nd
M'D > nd
MB > mv
M'C > nc > ng
M'L > mbl > mbu
MPS > ns > nz
MPT > mp > mb
M'R > ndr
Now looking at this it seems rather chaotic. Here are some other facts about the lang that make thees canges trouble me:
QU > p before aou (and f before ie)
CT > p
In light of these changes I wonder if I shoudn't go with:
M'T > mp > mb
M'D > mb > mv?
M' C > mp > mb
MPS > mps
MPT > mp
M'R > mbr
However, I am at the same time considering changing M'N > mr > mbr to
M'N > nn > n-tilde
Does anyone know off hand how Romanian and Sardinian handle these clusters? This thing for P's is one of the most Eastern features of C-a.