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> Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> wrote: >> Wouldnt that [Andegavensis] be an adjectival >> form? Yes. Latin province names often are adjectival in form (Lugdunensis) as are French regional names (le Maconnais).More precisely my reference (Collins Gem pocket dictionary, acquired when I took Latin in 1971-3, now probably my longest-held possession) renders `Anjou' as `Andegavensis ager', the Angevin field.
Padraic Brown wrote: > It's a pretty regular possessive of a place name: > Universitas Bostoniensis; Archiediocesis > Washingtoniensis; etc.Are you sure those are genitive? I read them as "Bostonese U., Washingtonese AD."; a genitive of the city itself would more likely be "-toniae" imho. (Or: -to: -tonis ;) )
-- Anton Sherwood, http://www.ogre.nu/