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Re: [romanceconlang] Ninfeano web page

 --- Sabrina Laurent skrzypszy: 

>   I promised i'd let you know when i put my Ninfeano page on line. 
> Here i am!
>   Go and take a look at:
>   http://www.avenned.com/eamon/ninfeano.html

A wonderful piece of work, Sabrina! My congratulations (and compliments to
Eamon for his nice work, too)!

If I may allow myself to give you some suggestions:

First of all, give examples. They give the reader a closer understanding of the
language, and a stronger feeling of familiarity with it. Besides, lots of
examples make a grammar always look "juicier".

Secondly, I wouldn't categorize the numbers under "règles de grammaire".
Numbers are always the first thing I look for after finding a new conlang
website; in most cases, they have a header of their own (and that's the way it
should be :)) )

For the rest, beautiful work! "Lo Caperucito Rogio" would be a nice translation
exercise for other romlangers around here, too.

>    Unfortunately, you'll only be able to look at the French version 
> and the Vocabulary page isn't done yet. Apart from that, you will find 
>  some explanations about Ninfeano, its phonology, a complete grammar 
> and translations.

Ha! Yes, the vocabulary is always the tough part, eh? Wenedyk has 1,400 words
by now, but the link to its vocabulary is still dead.

>    Hope you'll enjoy it!

I surely did!


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