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Hi Tristan. In Spanish, the word "y" is spelled thus only for tradition. The pronunciation is simply "i", as "ee" in English "bee". Its meaning is the english conjunction "and". By Alexandre Xavier Casanova Domingo. ----- Original Message ----- From: Tristan To: romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 2:08 PM Subject: (english reply) Re: [romanceconlang] Nueva lista para aprovechar las lenguas auxiliares. pracrito wrote: > Hola a todos. Pardon? Was that a bit of spam advertising a new mailing list for international auxiliary languages? Tristan doesn't speak (guessing) Spanish. But also, how is the word 'y' pronounced in Spanish? What does it mean? Why is it spelt <y>? To unsubscribe to this group, sell your soul to Satan, do not pass go, do not collect $200. In other words, you're stuck here now!! ___________________________________________________ Yahoo! Móviles Personaliza tu móvil con tu logo y melodía favorito en http://moviles.yahoo.es