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Re: [romanceconlang] Re: Serri Carrajena (was -- eseri Cardadjena)


 "habarakhe4 <theophilus88@hidden.email>" <theophilus88@hidden.email> wrote:

--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, Adam Walker <carrajena@y...>
but this is mainly to post the new paradigm as it now
> Infinitive

> serri

> Present tense

> ju sunu (or sun~u)          nos sumus
> tu ses (or se)                 tus sidis                
> vos sidi                         vosus sidis
>                                     vosas sidis
> su esti                          sus sunts
> sa esti                          sas sunts
> si esti                           sis sunts
Is 'si' the neuter pronoun?

> I'm not sure I like the analogy on "sunt", but I'm pretty sure I'm
going to drop the "s" at the end of "ses" to give an (overly?)
Italianish "se".  As for the sunu/sun~u problem, I may keep both
pronunciations with one seen as "correct" and the other "dialectal"
with the division probably being urban (Carthage/Tunis/(Algiers?) vs.
rural or east (Carthage/Tunis) vs west (Algiers).
Surely the choice here on -s and n/-u depends on the allowable final
consonants. If you forbid /ses/ for /se/, will you drop the /s/'s on
plural nouns?

I'm not sure what you're referring to with n/-u, but the reason for dropping the -s on "ses" is just because that "s" would then be the only final "s" in the singular paradigm and might come to "feel" pluralish. "S" is a permited final consonant as are /d/, /t/, /n/, /m/, /N/ and perhaps a few others. (I'm having trouble thinking of examples.)  All nouns are vowel final in the singular, but plurals end in "s".  Verb infinitives are vowel final, too. But within the conjugations there may be consonant endings. I havent worked out much as far as conjugations go.  I do know that a few functors (prepositions mostly) are consonant final.
