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Serri Carrajena (was -- eseri Cardadjena)

Once, long ago I posted a paradigm for the present tense of "to be" in Carrajena (then called Cardadjena).  You'll find the old paradigm at the end, but this is mainly to post the new paradigm as it nor esixts.





Present tense


ju sunu (or sun~u)          nos sumus

tu ses (or se)                 tus sidis                

vos sidi                         vosus sidis

                                    vosas sidis

su esti                          sus sunts

sa esti                          sas sunts

si esti                           sis sunts


I'm not sure I like the analogy on "sunt", but I'm pretty sure I'm going to drop the "s" at the end of "ses" to give an (overly?) Italianish "se".  As for the sunu/sun~u problem, I may keep both pronunciations with one seen as "correct" and the other "dialectal" with the division probably being urban (Carthage/Tunis/(Algiers?) vs. rural or east (Carthage/Tunis) vs west (Algiers).


See below for the older version and make comments/suggestions accordingly.


>Present tense
>jo sumu nos sumus
>tu es tus sidis
>vos sidi vosus sidis
> vosas sidis
>su est sus sunt
>sa est sas sunt
>si est sis sunt