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hello! I just wanted to give some news about my Ninfeano language. I'm still working on the grammar, but i should be done soon. All i have to do is determine a few rules regarding the verbs. As i'm done with the actual conjugations, i wanted to post the ones for the auxiliaries. I haven't kept the Ser/Estar and Tener/Haber distinctions. There's only one verb for "to be": Esser , and one for "to have": Aver. So here's the present tense for these 2 verbs: ESSER -so -es -è -semos -setes -sen AVER -ho -has -ha -avemos -avetes -han So these 2 verbs are irregular. I think there's only one other verb that is irregular (to go : "ir"). All the other verbs should follow the same pattern, as i want the language to be easy and convenient. I didn't write them, but the pronouns for the subject should be used, like in French (these pronouns are io, tu, elo, ela, nos, vos, elos, elas ). I hope i'll be able to post the Pater Noster in Ninfeano really soon! Sabrina