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Hello to all the members! As you can see, i keep my promises! Here's the phonology for my language (Eamon helped me doing it). As i already said, it's pretty much based on Spanish phonology. I might be done with the grammar some time next week. Enjoy! Sabrina Vowels: [a] a [e] e [i] i [o] o [u] u Diphthongs: [ei] ei, ey [ai] ai, ay [oi] oi, oy [@U] au [eU] eu Plosives: [p] p [b] b [t] t [d] d [k] k c/_o, a, u qu/_e, i [g] g/_o, a, u gu/_i, e Nasals: [m] m [n] n [J] ni/_V Trill: [r] r Fricatives: [f] f [v] v [s] s c/_i, e [z] z [S] sc/_i, e sci/_o, a, u Affricates: [dZ] g/_i, e [tS] ch Approximants: [j] y, i [w] w, u/_V Lateral approximants: [l] l In addition, there is also [kw] qu/_a, o and [gw] gu/_a, o. The orthography also includes a mute h. Loanwords may have x carrying the value it would have in its language of origin. Accentuation: 1- If the ending is a vowel, n or s the penultimate syllable is accented. 2- If the ending is any consonant other than n or s the ultimate syllable is accented. 3- In any other case, the accent would be indicated with an accute accent mark.