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Re: [romanceconlang] Re:_Merry_Christmas_in_Aingeljã

--- "Christian Thalmann <cinga@hidden.email>"
<cinga@hidden.email> wrote:

> |Aeve mautina caebe veirwen, sed mure segundu
> suwe caesun.|
> /"ajv mo"ti:n@ kajb "verv@n se mu:r se"gUnd@
> su:v "kajz@n/

Do the silent -e do anything in this language? In
Kerno, they generally mark the oblique case.


To him that seeks, if he knock, the door will be opened;
if he seeks, he shall find his way; if he searches for a way, he shall find his path. 
For though the Way is narrow, it's wisdom is written in the hearts of all:
if ye would seek and find Rest, look first within!
