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§A¦í¦b¨º¨à? µØ¤¯³Ç So lift the cup of joy and take a big drink. In spite of it all it's a beautiful world. -------Suzanne Knutzen
From: "jian_huang_ysword <jian_huang_ysword@hidden.email>" <jian_huang_ysword@hidden.email>Reply-To: romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com To: romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com Subject: [romanceconlang] Welcome to my conlang page - Daisilingo Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 04:25:46 -0000 http://media.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/~huangjian/daisilingo/ Daisilingo is a Latin-like conlang which is syllablized to Consonant-Vowel structure, because I think this structure is the best for singing. Things included in the page: 1.Principles: How to Compress Latin Words into C-V Syllable 2.Sample Passages 3.Schema Detail 4.Babel Text of Bible 5.Daisilingo to English Dictionary (over 2000 words) 6.English to Daisilingo Dictionary (reversal version of the about) 7.Kernel Word by Category (over 500 words) I prefer to use latin roots which apppears in English, because I know more English than Latin. Thank you for seeing! Daisilingo version of the above: BENEVENA A MA CONLANGE PAGE - DAISILINGO http://media.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/~huangjian/daisilingo/ Daisilingo etha un Latin-simile conlanga, ci etha sillabizu a consonante-vovele thutturo, essa mi pensa hoze thutturo etha la obime po canta. Fatti incudu in la page: 1.Pinzipulo: Ca a compesso Latin veebi ento C-V sillabu 2.Sampu Passagi 3.Chema Contento 4.Daisilinge-a-Angessu dizzonari (pusu ce 2000 veebi) 5.Angessu-a-Daisilinge dizzonari (reveesale veeson de la superora) 6.Zentalo veebi pe categori (pusu ce 500 veebi) Mi pefero a utila latine radi ci appara in Angessu, essa mi scia pusu Angessu ce Latina. Gazo po visa. Hozi tha la Daisilinge veeson.
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