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Salve! I've got a couple of questions. You wrote: <<<Old Fortunatian "I" "thou" (Nominative, Genitive, Accusative) Sg. N mu' tu' [mu: tu:] G mi' ti' [mi: ti:] A me' te' [me: te:]>>> What is the origin of a strange form |mu'|? In fact, in general, all pronouns look suspiciously regular... <<<There are singular and plural forms of the OF verb, which agree with the subject of the sentence. The singular ends in -at, the plural in - an>>> Why did the verb lose personal agreement? All Romance natlangs have it, as well as Etruscan (afawk) and Berber. <<< (All regular verbs in OF are first declension in finite form).>>> Why? Do you mean that most verbs changed their thematic vowel, or only 1st conjugation verbs remained regular? IMHO, too much regularity makes a project look like auxlang. Does Fortunatian pretend to play such a role? Vale, Yitzik ~~~~~~~~~~~~~